Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

  • phone 0151 332 7000
  • mail info@pfcmat.org

The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco

The Salesian Academy of St. John Bosco is an 11 – 16 Roman Catholic Academy with 486 pupils on roll. St. John Bosco’s vision to be a Catholic School that seeks to appreciate and develop the talents and skills of each individual.

Academy values:

Inspired by the life of Christ and the work of St John Bosco, we endeavour, through active partnership with home, parish and the wider community, to prepare our students to face the future with confidence.

We aim to instil the Salesian values of Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour – RUAH. These four values underpin every aspect of our school life and together spell out the Hebrew word for 'breath of life' or 'spirit'. These values must be evident in our orderly and settled environment where we insist on the highest standards of politeness, behaviour, and appearance.

Respect – for oneself, and others, and every opportunity
Understanding – a commitment to learning and working well with others
Affection – care and love for each other, always
Happiness and Humour – Don Bosco loved to make people laugh

School Website