Pope Francis Multi Academy Trust

  • phone 0151 332 7000
  • mail info@pfcmat.org

  • Unity
  • Service
  • Excellence
  • Love
Uplifting hearts Inspiring minds

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A very warm welcome fromPope Francis
Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Pope Francis Catholic Multi Academy Trust was established by the Archbishop of Liverpool to provide the very best Catholic education for the young people in our schools.

We are enabling schools, aspiration and faith to flourish by ‘Uplifting Hearts, Inspiring Minds’.

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Kind words &Testimonials

  • The trust and the school have wisely identified priorities for improvement. They have thought carefully about the appropriate pace of change so that the improvements that they have made can be sustained over the long term. 

    The trust has supported the school by appointing new, experienced staff in various positions. This has strengthened the school’s capacity for improvement.

    Trustees and members of the local governing body know the school well and provide appropriate challenge and support to leaders.

  • Pupils enjoy being involved in the wider life of the school. Through charity events such as the annual ‘5K run’, they demonstrate their commitment to the school’s values of ‘effort, kindness, community spirit and empathy’.OFSTED 2021 (Sacred Heart)
  • Pupils spoke positively about the wide range of extra-curricular activities, such as sports and the school musical production. They can take part in trips and visits to outdoor residential centres.OFSTED 2022 (ST. JOHN BOSCO)
  • The model for prayer and liturgy is exceptionally strong. This is making a lasting impact on the formation of students as well as staff. The school has successfully placed Catholic Life and Mission at the centre, deriving the energy for improvement from the Word of God.CSI 2023 (SAINT EDMUND ARROWSMITH)

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